Saturday, September 8, 2012

What is a Pastor's Political Place?

The question I want to ask today is: What is a pastors place in politics?

I'm a pastor, as if you didn't know that already, and I keep up with politics. I go through stages of greater and lesser of interest, but for the most part I'm somewhat up to date.

As a pastor I'm also an United States Citizen. I was born here. I vote. I believe that if you are able to vote you should. It is your duty and privilege to do so. This is a special time in the history of the world where your voice actually matters. I also feel like as voting citizens of the United States we should stay up to date on the political going ons of our nation. How else are we going to know who and what to vote for?

As a Christian citizen I must stand up for what the Bible says. I vote my conscience. And I have no problem standing up for the unborn, or standing up against homosexual marriage (Among many other issues. I used those because they are well known issues today). Those are moral issues that I think all pastors should take a stand on. But I don't have to be vocal about everything I believe, because frankly, a lot of the political stuff I believe isn't in the Bible.

Don't misunderstand me. There are a lot of things we use, say, and do daily that aren't in the Bible, but they aren't unGodly. For instance Google isn't in the Bible. But it is not a sin to Google something. The issue is what you Google. You get?

Politically speaking the Republican platform mainstays aren't essential Biblical doctrines: Low Taxes and entrepreneurship. But the Bible doesn't speak out against low taxes and starting a business... In fact many would argue it encourages those things.

So to get more specific. I don't think pastors should tell anyone who to vote for from the pulpit (Or from the barstool if you're in a contemporary church, he, he.), but should they voice their opinions on Facebook or Twitter? Do you think speaking out on non-biblical political issues can push people away from the church? If so should pastors publicly stay away from it completely? Or is it their duty as an US citizen to voice their opinions? I have to remember my purpose on Earth is not to get some dude elected, but to bring people to Christ.

What do you think?